Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Flying High

An airport at 2am is an interesting place. If you've ever wondered what the world will feel like after the inevitable zombie apocalypse, it's probably the closest you'll come. All that empty infrastructure, just waiting to be looted and set fire to.

There's nothing as boring and tedious as flying long-haul. Some tips for those of you who're unimaginative enough to fail in coming up with a good enough excuse not to go:

1) Think harder. Seriously, wtf is wrong with you?
2) Just say you have Tuberculosis (be close to people and cough a lot when you say this)
3) Profit

So you get on the plane, take off, get bored, try to sleep, fail, land, get off the plane. Wash, rinse, repeat. If you're extra lucky you'll get to feel the thrill of having your luggage lost.

Gosh, what fun..

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Emirates, Emirates uber alles!

So I've been told that my flight for Thurs is full. So is Friday. And Saturday, and Sunday. Maybe I can get a seat next Tuesday, the girl on the phone isn't sure.

What are my options?

Tonight, 2.45am.

T minus 15 hours.
